B2B Roadshow Glasgow November 2012 – by Stephen Wilkinson
I went to the B2B Roadshow at Hampden Park yesterday, representing YUVA Consultants, to network and attend a few seminars. After arriving bright and early for an 8am start the first ‘speed networking’ event got underway.
This was my first foray into the speed networking arena and it was a fast-paced, fun and productive way to meet new people and hear about their businesses.
Although I was slightly anxious at first, Janet Torley www.eventsforbusiness.co.uk expertly explained and executed the event, presiding over us with a watchful eye… and a bell.
After handing out a lot of business cards and shaking a lot of hands I headed over to hear the first speaker – Ben Kench www.cancanman.co.uk . I found his speech motivating and informative, especially his advice to raise your energy levels before any meeting. I also thought his prediction that we are entering a new era of business where ‘feminine energy’ will dominate was perceptive. Essentially, businesses are developing, or should be developing, a more caring and ethical way of approaching commercial ventures and will reap the rewards from doing so.
After hearing Ben I charged off next door to listen to Scott Johnston www.alwaysnegotiating.net give out some ‘Negotiation Nuggets’. Scott is a barrister and has many years of experience in dealing with negotiations and conflict resolution. Scott’s seminar was interactive and fun and provided lots of material to try out in real world negotiation situations – which occur ALL the time (hence the name, ‘always negotiating’). I now know how to deal with my plumber next time he does the dreaded ‘intake of breath’ in an attempt to set my expectation that the job will be an expensive one. Thanks Scott!
My next move was to work my way around the numerous business stands. One that really caught my eye was deliver-a-ball www.deliveraball.co.uk. It’s a husband and wife team who offer a gift service sending personalised balls. They can also be used by companies as a marketing tool. Much more fun and unique than sending a birthday card or generic business leaflet; no one is going to ignore a ball. I certainly know if a business sent us a personalised ball it’d be chucked all over the office and entertain us for ages.
All in all the day was a great success. The B2B roadshow was a fantastic event to meet a large number of business professionals and I hope to develop some long lasting business relationships.
Thanks for reading.